Wednesday 29 July 2015

What's Going Wrong with YouTube?

A few days ago Bry and Candice uploaded a video onto their channel LifeofBribry called What's going wrong with YouTube?. This video brought me back to a blog post I was going to write a long time ago but never did. So now I am. 

In their video they talked about how they're unhappy with the way YouTube has become a platform that puts creators into groups. By that I mean that you have popular YouTubers with millions of subscribers, then smaller ones with around 100,000 subscribers, and finally you have people with 10 or 100 who are often afraid to called themselves YouTubers. Now with all the book deals, film premiers, and  Oh My Vlog magazine those popular YouTubers are being seen as regular celebrities. For the most part that's really exciting and fans are proud of these people because they have so many amazing opportunities but there's always a not so great side to that. Seeing the way media portray popular YouTubers can be encouraging for those aspiring to be like them but can also create a barrier between them and their subscribers. 

When I first started watching YouTube, the whole world of it felt different. You could sit down to watch videos and it was like a friend was talking to you. They were specifically giving you advice or ranting to you and that is what made YouTube different from any other source of entertainment. It was personal. Only now, if I were to watch someone I'd always be aware of how many subscribers they have and usually if they're someone with millions then it isn't even slightly personal. Some times it's almost like they're talking down to you and making you aware that you don't have the popularity that they do. Obviously that isn't intentional but it does feel that way. 

Ever since I started watching YouTube, I'd wanted to make videos too. At first this did seem like something I could do but now it seems unrealistic to think that someone like myself could fit into this community. In their video, Bry and Candice mentioned playing the YouTube game right and I don't think that I would or even could. It has become a place where you have to know the right people and look the right way which is what, in the past, made YouTube different from film or TV. Now it's just the same and it doesn't feel as if just anyone can do it. 

I'm not too sure where this was going and I don't really think there was a definite point but I just wanted to share my opinion. Comment below what you think, I'd love to hear. That's all for now, hope to see you next time. Bye


  1. You took the words right out of my mouth, Erin. I'm also annoyed that now YouTube is becoming far more consumerist. The most popular videos are 20 something minute hauls, that no subscriber, no ordinary person could afford. This really irritates me, because a fan-base is very impressionable and it just causes issues. YouTuber's used to care. Popular YouTuber's used to do Q&A's on social, health and mental issues. Now their channels have just become a hub for adverts and money-making (I don't actually have a problem with YouTuber's making money, I think it is great, I just think they should reach out and help their audience.).

    TheDonkeyInvasion - A Book & Random Blog

    1. Thank you for your comment. I'm glad you agree. YouTube has changed so much and it does seem like youtubers care as much about real issues anymore. I unsubscribed to a few people because it felt like they're videos were too long and all seemed like the same thing. Sometimes I like that but it becomes a bit annoying after a while. I completely agree with you x

  2. I love reading your blog post !! Just amazing. Keep up the great work :)

    come say hi



